
Holton Rower Relief Sculpture Drip Paintings

5th Grade made these relief sculptures.  They explored how gravity can play a part in what we make, how colors can mix and swirl and how a lack of control in what we do can sometimes give us happy and inspiring surprises.

Questions that led the way………………………………………………………>>>>
·       Who is Jackson Pollack?  Who is Holton Rower?  Compare and contrast their artwork.
·       What is a sculpture and how can I create one?
·       What elements and principles of art will I consider when planning out my design? Show me.
·       Be inspired.  How can I use my 5 senses to share my personal vision?

Holton Rower


Thank you 5th graders for cleaning up and making it look spotless. Needless to say, I figured out a way to avoid this messiness for my other 5th grade classes. Live and learn.

Crowd pleasers - well done 5th grade!

There was no right or wrong way to arrange their mat board . I love how this one really thought about gravity when gluing her pieces in place.
A cube = wonderful idea (similar to how Holton Rower pours paint over top pedestals)
depth in our relief sculptures - looks so neat looking down the halls